Dhyanacharya Dr. Ajay Jain is a Meditation Guru, a guide to many helping them learn various meditation techniques and practices.

According to Dhyanacharya Ajay Jain, Meditation is a continuous process of self-purification. Meditation is a process to remain with self and exploring one’s true, real and spiritual identity through concentration and oneness of body, mind and soul. The process of self purification can be achieved by exploring the deepest of self and there from starting the journey to the spiritual world.

Meditation is gaining popularity day by day as it results in release of stress and peace of mind. It is now established that practicing meditation can help in cure of almost all kind of physical and mental deceases.

Dhyanacharya is associated with many Indian and foreign institutions and organizations and guiding them achieve their goals.

In the process of pealing an onion we can very well see that till the end only onion is left and the smallest left over part is purest form of onion and can result in beginning of a new process. The process of self purification can be achieved same way as we have to see the deepest of self and there from we have to start our journey to the spiritual world.

Meditation is gaining popularity day by day as it results in release of stress and peace of mind is achieved.

Meditation can be practiced any where at any time. It is important that it should be practiced under the guidance of expert teacher.

Dhyanacharya Dr. Ajay Jain’s Divine Service helps all seekers achieve desired results by making them meditate the way that suits them best.

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