
Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Truth destroys every illusion and opens the door to inner vision” 

       You have the possibility to be free from ‘Illusion’

Dear Blissful Soul,

Truth is the divine light that dispels the darkness of ignorance and illusion, opening the door to inner vision. The radiance of truth is a miraculous force that liberates you from external attachments and internal dilemmas, leading you toward self-realization. When a person walks on the path of truth, their inner confusions begin to dissolve naturally, enabling them to perceive reality as it is.

The Nature and Grip of Illusion

Illusion is not only present in the external world but also arises within the mind. It stems from ignorance, prejudice, societal conditioning, and personal beliefs. When a person is distanced from truth, they inevitably live under some form of illusion—whether through selfish desires, ego, or entanglement in past regrets and future anxieties.

For example, a person may believe that material wealth is the ultimate achievement of life. They devote their entire life to acquiring it, yet when they fail to find inner peace, they fall into despair. This illusion arises from equating external success with life’s essence, whereas the reality is that contentment and peace emerge from an inner state, not from external possessions.

The Quest for Truth and Liberation from Illusion

When a person accepts truth, their entire perspective transforms. Truth is not merely about knowing external facts but also about attaining self-awareness. To realize truth, one needs—right perception, wise thinking, and self-reflection.

Take, for instance, the life of Gautama Buddha. Born into a royal palace, he initially believed that life was only full of joy. However, when he witnessed old age, sickness, and death, curiosity arose within him, prompting him to renounce illusion and embark on the quest for truth. Through deep meditation and self-contemplation, he ultimately attained enlightenment. It was this truth that awakened his inner vision and led him to Nirvana.

Self-Awakening: The Experience of Truth

Truth should not only be understood as external knowledge but also as an inner realization. When a person embraces truth within, their insight expands, and they begin to perceive life from a fresh perspective.

Another example is the poet-saint Kabir. He expressed truth in simple words:
“Maya Mahathagini Hum Jani.”
(“I have realized that illusion is the great deceiver.”)

He revealed that those who consider worldly illusions as the ultimate truth remain trapped in deception. However, those who recognize the essence of truth can perceive the divine reality in every experience of life.

You Have the Potential to Be Free from Illusion

Every individual has the ability to recognize truth. This inner vision awakens through meditation, self-inquiry, and genuine wisdom. When you integrate truth into your life, all forms of illusion disappear, and you realize your true self.

Thus, Dear Blissful Soul, embrace truth, liberate yourself from illusion, and awaken your inner vision.


Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Transforming actions into righteous actions is the foundation of the soul’s progress.” 

         You have the possibility of performing ‘’righteous deeds.’

Your soul is infinite and divine and its true nature is filled with joy, peace and love. On the journey of life, you choose actions that allow the divinity and purity within you to shine forth. The statement, “Transforming actions into righteous actions is the foundation of the sou’s progress,” expresses a profound truth for your life. Moving towards righteous actions and paving the way for the soul’s advancement through them is the primary purpose of your divine journey.                   

The Difference Between Karma and Satkarma

When you talk about karma, it refers to every type of work, action or activity performed by an individual. Karma is not only about external actions but also about internal attitudes and emotions. But do all actions contribute to the progress of the soul? Certainly not. An action can only become higher and divine when it is done with the right purpose, truth and purity. This is where the importance of Satkarma (righteous actions) becomes evident.

Satkarma refers to actions that not only purify your personal life but also have a positive impact on society and creation. When you perform actions with a spiritual purpose and that purpose is not limited to your own well-being but extends to others, that action becomes Satkarma.

The Power of Satkarma

To understand the power of satkarma, it is essential to recognize that the main goal of the soul is spiritual knowledge (self-realization) and liberation (moksha). The attainment of spiritual knowledge is possible only when you base your actions on truth, love and dharma. When you perform actions with a pure mind, clear purpose and a sense of altruism, you connect with the true nature of your soul and experience its inner light. These actions not only enhance your inner peace but also illuminate the world around you.

The lives of ancient saints and great spiritual figures offer examples of satkarma. For instance, as Lord Krishna said in the Bhagavad Gita, “You have a right to perform your duties, but you do not have a right to the results”. This message clearly indicates that your right is only to perform the actions, not their results. When you perform your actions with a pure purpose, worrying about the outcome becomes futile. This is the path that leads to the true progress of your soul.

How to Transform Actions into Satkarma?

Now the question arises, how can you transform your ordinary actions into satkarma? For this, focusing on some key aspects is necessary.

Determine a Spiritual Purpose:

Every action of yours should be backed by a higher purpose. This purpose should not only be for your own well-being but also for the welfare of society, family and creation. When you perform an action with a spiritual purpose, it automatically transforms into satkarma.

Purity of Mind and Emotions:

For satkarma, it is essential to have a pure mind and heart. If any action is carried out with malice, hatred or ego, it creates an obstacle to the soul’s progress. Therefore, you must purify your mind and heart so that love, devotion and peace flow through each of your actions.

Altruistic Intent:

Satkarma involves actions that are not performed merely for your own benefit, but for the greater good of others. When you help others, serve them and do something for their well-being, that action brings you a step closer to spiritual advancement.

Patience and Balance:

Another important aspect of Satkarma is patience and balance. In life, sometimes circumstances do not go as planned, but your actions should always remain balanced and pure. The person who performs actions with patience and balance takes their soul towards higher elevation.

Dedication to God:

Dedicate each action to God and perform it as if it is God’s command. This transforms the action into Satkarma. When you perform your actions in accordance with God’s will, divinity and purity infuse every action you take.

You Have the Potential to Perform Satkarma

Dear Blissful Soul, you have the complete potential to transform each of your actions into Satkarma. The power within you can make your actions divine and pure. You need only to purify your purpose and dedicate your mind to God. As soon as you step onto this path, you will experience an acceleration in the progress of your soul. You will experience peace and contentment within yourself and your life will move toward a higher purpose.

When you perform actions with pure love, truth and an altruistic purpose, you not only elevate your soul but also spread positive energy throughout the world. The progress of your soul is only possible when you walk the path of Satkarma and this is the highest purpose of your life journey.

Therefore, you have the full potential to perform Satkarma and as you walk this path, you can advance toward the true progress of your soul. The infinite possibilities of your strength and divinity already reside within you and you only need to recognize and utilize them.


Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Knowledge makes you aware of your true nature, which is infinite” 

            You have the possibility to know the infinite

Knowledge is not merely the accumulation of information; it is the guiding light of the soul’s journey. When a person attains self-knowledge, they transcend their limited perspective and experience their infinite essence. Most of the problems in one’s life arise from ignorance—ignorance confines one’s true self, whereas knowledge breaks these limitations and introduces one to their infinite nature.

The Nature of Knowledge and the Infinity of the Soul The purpose of knowledge is not just to understand the external world but also to realize the self. As one moves toward self-awareness, they begin to experience that their existence is not confined to the body and mind alone, but they are a part of the infinite consciousness. The soul is neither born nor does it perish—it is an eternal flow beyond the boundaries of time and space.Example – The Dialogue Between King Janaka and Sage Ashtavakra

King Janaka was a great and wise ruler, yet he had not fully realized his true nature. When he sought the knowledge of the soul from Sage Ashtavakra, the sage told him:
“Respected King! You believe that you are this body, this intellect, this kingdom—but you are beyond all of these. You are the pure soul, which neither perishes nor has any limits. You are infinite.”

These words of Sage Ashtavakra awakened a deep realization within King Janaka, and he instantly attained self-knowledge and experienced his infinite essence.

Modern Context – A Scientific Perspective

Modern science also acknowledges the fact that energy cannot be destroyed; it only changes form. The soul, too, is a divine energy that is never destroyed but merely changes its bodily form. When a person understands this truth, the fear of death vanishes, and the infinite nature of the soul becomes evident.


Dear Blissful Soul, you have the possibility to know the ‘Infinite’! It is knowledge that makes you aware of your infinite energy. By attaining self-knowledge, you can rise beyond the limited perception of life and experience the infinity of the soul. This is the key to liberation and eternal peace.


Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Attainment of knowledge is necessary for self-realization and liberation” 

                 You have the possibility of ‘liberation

The path to self-realization and liberation passes through knowledge. Knowledge dispels the darkness of the soul and leads it toward the light of truth. When you understand the hidden truth within yourself, the soul frees itself from its bonds. This knowledge can be acquired through books, teachings, and experiences, but true knowledge comes from within the soul.

The Importance of Self-Realization

Self-realization means recognizing your true essence. You are entangled in the attachments of the outer world and forget your true inner nature. Self-realization introduces you to your soul and teaches you that you are not just the body and mind but an eternal soul.


Once, a seeker asked a saint, “How can liberation be attained?” The saint replied, “Recognize the knowledge within yourself. Just as the sun is hidden behind the clouds, your true essence is concealed behind the clouds of ignorance. When you remove these clouds, you will experience your true self.” The seeker, through meditation and self-study, eliminated the ignorance within and took steps toward self-realization.

Why Is Knowledge Essential for Liberation?

Knowledge removes the darkness of the soul. It eradicates ignorance and guides you toward the truth. Until you understand the purpose of life and the true nature of the soul, you remain trapped in worldly attachments and bonds. Knowledge liberates you from these bonds and brings peace, bliss, and contentment.


Lord Buddha identified ignorance as the root cause of all suffering. Through meditation and austerity, he attained knowledge and taught the world that the path to liberation is only possible through knowledge. He said, “Until a person eradicates the ignorance within, they cannot experience true happiness.”

Dear Blissful Soul,

You have the possibility to attain ‘Liberation.’

Every individual has the potential to achieve self-realization and liberation. All it takes is the effort to move toward true knowledge. Meditation, practice, and self-study are crucial for acquiring this knowledge.

Dear Soul, you are the embodiment of bliss. Recognize the knowledge within yourself and move toward the liberation of the soul. Obstacles may arise on your journey, but it is possible. You have the possibility to attain liberation.


Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Knowledge removes the darkness from the path of the soul and provides the light of truth” 

                   You Have the possibility to Attain the ‘Truth’

The meaning of life remains incomplete until you understand the truth of the soul. This truth is revealed not through external achievements but through the attainment of knowledge. As long as the veil of ignorance clouds your vision, you cannot see the true purpose of life. Knowledge is like a lamp that removes the darkness hidden within the soul and shows the path to truth.

The Darkness of Ignorance

Ignorance misleads you and brings instability into life.

For example, when a person limits their identity to just the body, wealth or social status, they are living in ignorance. They seek happiness in external things but remain deprived of inner peace and contentment.

This situation is akin to a person wandering in a dense forest without a lamp to show the way. In the darkness, they try every direction but fail to find the right path. Similarly, until the light of knowledge reaches you, you cannot understand the truth of life or the purpose of your existence.

The Light of Knowledge

Knowledge is the guide for the soul. It shows that life is not limited to material pleasures or external experiences. The real truth of the soul lies in connecting with the Supreme and recognizing the purity within yourself.

For instance, Saint Kabir once said:

Where do you seek me, O seeker? I am right within you.”

This wisdom teaches us that truth is not somewhere outside but within everyone. To recognize it, the soul must be illuminated by the light of knowledge.

An Inspiring Example

In ancient times, there was a king who was constantly surrounded by dissatisfaction and restlessness. Despite gathering every possible comfort and luxury, his soul remained unsettled. One day, he met a wise sage who said, “O King, until you attain knowledge, the darkness in your soul will not be dispelled.” The king heeded the sage’s words and embarked on the path of knowledge. He came to understand his inner desires, attachments, and anger, and recognized the truth of the soul. After this realization, the king found peace and contentment.

You Have the possibility to Attain the ‘Truth’

Every one of you has the ability to attain the truth in life. To achieve this, you must take the following steps:

Practice Self-Reflection: Dedicate some time each day to introspect and look within yourself.

Seek Knowledge: Read enlightening scriptures and attend discourses by the wise.

Engage in Meditation and Practice: Calm your mind and connect with your soul.

Let Go of Ego: Truth can only be realized through humility.

Embrace Positivity: Follow the path of truth and honesty in life.


Dear Blissful Soul, within you lies infinite strength and possibilities. When you light the lamp of knowledge, the darkness within your soul will be dispelled, and the light of truth will illuminate your life. This truth will bring you peace, contentment, and bliss. The purpose of life is not merely material achievements but recognizing the truth of the soul and living it fully.


Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Practice of non-violence makes life simple and happy” 

        You have the possibility to live a ‘Simple’ life


Dear Blissful Soul, “Practice of non-violence makes life simple and happy” You have the possibility to live a ‘Simple’ life This statement reveals to us the true direction of life. Non-violence is not merely a symbol of peace and harmony in the external world, but it is also a reflection of your inner existence. When you make non-violence a part of your lifestyle, you not only bring simplicity and tranquility to your relationships with others but also attain inner peace and balance. Walking the path of non-violence reduces conflicts, stress and complexities in life, allowing you to experience the true joy of living. Non-violence does not simply mean avoiding physical violence; it also means refraining from mental and verbal harm. When you practice compassion, kindness and love in your thoughts, words and actions, you not only simplify your own life but also bring peace and harmony to the lives of others. It helps you understand at a deeper level that all are parts of the same divine existence and are interconnected. Through the practice of non-violence, you eliminate anger, hatred and malice from within, bringing simplicity to your life. You have the potential to lead a ‘simple’ life. By embracing simplicity in life, you can feel inner peace and contentment. When you follow non-violence, your life becomes free from complexities and you remain mindful of your actions, words and thoughts. This mindfulness guides you toward inner tranquility, making life simpler and more fulfilling. The practice of non-violence liberates you from stress, anxiety and inner conflicts, enabling you to experience the true joy of living. In today’s fast-paced world, where people often seek inner peace, the practice of non-violence offers a path to simplify and calm their lives. Non-violence teaches you to avoid anger, hatred and resentment in any situation, as these only complicate and burden life. Instead, when you cultivate understanding, kindness and love toward others, you not only simplify their lives but also make your own life more joyful. When you practice non-violence, you develop a unique stability and balance in your actions, thoughts and words. This balance positively influences the people around you, spreading peace and happiness in their lives as well. The practice of non-violence is not limited to avoiding physical violence but also encompasses protection from mental and emotional harm. By keeping your mind and heart calm, you can make every aspect of life simple and beautiful. From a spiritual perspective, the practice of non-violence brings deep peace and joy to the soul. When you embrace non-violence within, you not only experience unity with your soul but also connect deeply with the divine. Non-violence helps you understand the true meaning and purpose of life. Through it, you realize that life is not just about external prosperity and success but that true happiness lies in the peace and contentment within. As you walk the path of non-violence, you come to understand that life becomes simple and joyful only when you bring peace and balance within yourself. Non-violence enables you to simplify your life, as it leads you toward mental, emotional and physical tranquility. By following this path, you can not only make your own life blissful but also spread love, kindness and peace in the lives of others. Dear Blissful Soul, you have the potential to lead a ‘simple’ life. When you follow the path of non-violence, your life will indeed become simple, joyful and filled with divine bliss.


Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Wisdom guides the soul to deeper understanding and truth.” 

           You have the possibility to have ‘Wisdom’       

Dear Blissful Soul,      

“Wisdom guides the soul to deeper understanding and truth.” This sentence highlights the power of knowledge that transforms the journey of your soul from ordinary to extraordinary. Knowledge is not merely the accumulation of education or information; it is a blend of wisdom, discernment, and compassion. It elevates you beyond superficial things and helps you reach the deeper meanings and truths of life.

Every soul has the potential to gain knowledge. It is not confined to scholars or saints but is available to anyone who seeks to learn, understand, and live life in a better way. Knowledge comes through self-awareness, reflection, and embracing change.

Importance of Knowledge

There is a difference between knowledge and information. Information makes you familiar with facts, but knowledge teaches you how to use those facts meaningfully. It gives you a perspective to understand the highs and lows of life and turn challenges into opportunities.

Knowledge helps you realize that every experience in life, whether joyful or painful, is an opportunity to learn. It provides you with the strength to maintain patience and balance in every situation.

For instance, think of a river. It encounters rocks and stones in its journey, yet it continues to flow, nourishing life along the way. Similarly, knowledge enables you to face life’s challenges and stay true to your purpose.


The Path to Knowledge

The journey to knowledge begins with self-awareness. Understanding yourself—your emotions, desires, weaknesses, and strengths—is the first step toward gaining knowledge.

Next, you need to learn from your experiences. Life teaches you something new every day. A wise person sees every experience as an opportunity to learn.

Meditation and self-reflection are among the best tools for gaining knowledge. When you sit quietly and look within, you experience truth and clarity. This clears your thoughts and helps you move forward in the right direction.

Applying Knowledge in Life

The true essence of knowledge is reflected in your actions and decisions. A wise person listens carefully, speaks thoughtfully, and acts compassionately.

Take the example of a farmer. He plants seeds, cares for the soil, and patiently waits for the harvest. He cannot control the rain or sunlight but trusts in his efforts. Similarly, a knowledgeable person puts in effort and humbly accepts the outcome.

Forgiveness is another great virtue of knowledge. A wise person understands that holding on to anger or hatred harms oneself. By forgiving, they free both themselves and others.

The life of Lord Mahavir is the best example of this. He preached non-violence and the philosophy of anekantavada (the multiplicity of perspectives). His wisdom guided him toward the path of truth and compassion.

Benefits of Knowledge 

Knowledge makes life simpler and more beautiful. It empowers you to face every challenge with patience and understanding. It helps you enjoy life’s small joys and build better relationships with others.

Consider a teacher. A wise teacher not only imparts knowledge but also inspires students to think and act in the right direction.

The Possibility to Gain Knowledge

Dear soul, attaining knowledge is not a difficult task. It is possible for anyone willing to embrace it. It requires taking small steps—meditating, seeking truth, and learning from every experience.

Remember, knowledge doesn’t mean being perfect. It is a process of learning and growing. Trust in your journey and let knowledge guide your soul toward truth and deeper understanding.


You have the potential to gain knowledge. Embrace it and illuminate your life.


















Dear Blissful Soul, 

Expressing gratitude for every experience; fills the soul with abundance and contentment” 

             You have the possibility to be ‘Content’             

The Importance of Gratitude and Contentment

The impact of gratitude in your life is truly remarkable. Expressing gratitude is not merely an external action; it is a profound spiritual process that nourishes the soul and allows you to experience inner peace. When you remain thankful for every experience—whether good or challenging—it fills your soul with contentment and joy.

The Meaning of Contentment

Contentment is not merely the absence of desires; it is a state where one feels completely satisfied and at peace in the present moment. It is different from laziness. Laziness causes a person to settle for less, whereas contentment arises from the strength to accept life as it is. True contentment comes from within and gratitude is the key to unlocking it.

The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude teaches us to focus on what we have rather than what we lack. It shifts our mindset from negativity to positivity.

For example, a student struggling with studies can feel content if they are grateful for the support of their teachers, the resources available and the friendships they’ve made.

Similarly, a working woman balancing her office work can find gratitude and contentment in the laughter of her children and the small joyful moments in her busy life.

Acceptance and Contentment

Acceptance is essential for achieving contentment. This does not mean you stop striving for improvement, but rather that you embrace the present as it is while being motivated to move forward.

For instance, a person battling an illness can experience deep peace by accepting their condition and being grateful for life, the support of loved ones and the care they receive.

The Example of Lord Mahaveer

Lord Mahaveer set the highest example of gratitude and contentment. Even after renouncing worldly possessions, he expressed gratitude for every experience and achieved inner peace. His life teaches us that contentment does not depend on external circumstances.

Ways to Embrace Contentment

Dear Blissful Soul,

You have the potential to achieve “contentment.”

  • To embrace it:
  • Express gratitude every day, even for the smallest things.
  • Focus on what you have instead of what you lack.
  • Accept life as it is without constantly desiring change.
  • Strive to learn from every experience.
  • Be thankful for every moment.
  • Expressing gratitude for every experience
  • This will fill your soul with contentment and prosperity.

Remember, contentment is not a destination but a state of being, something you can choose to live in every moment.      


Dear Blissful Soul, 

See the Divine in everyone; this is the true essence of spirituality                   

               You have the possibility to be ‘Spiritual’

This statement serves as a guiding light for those on a spiritual path. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of all beings and the inherent divinity within every individual. Spirituality is not confined to rituals or doctrines; it is the profound realization that every soul is a fragment of the divine. Recognizing this truth transforms your mindset and the way you interact with others.

You have the potential to be ‘spiritual’ because spirituality is a natural quality of the soul. It does not need to be sought outside; it is a process of awakening the sanctity within yourself and around you. By developing this awareness, you can align your life with higher values like love, compassion, forgiveness, and humility.

All of you know Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore very well. The poetry and philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore were based on this principle of recognizing divinity in all beings. In his poem “Where the Mind is Without Fear,” he envisioned a world where every individual is free, equal and empowered. His vision emphasized the light of divinity within every human, contributing to the upliftment of society. His works reflect his deep faith in the inherent sanctity of humanity.

Just by practice Empathy, you can Recognize Divinity in All Beings

Empathy enables you to understand the emotions and perspectives of others. When someone makes a mistake or behaves rudely, instead of reacting with anger, try to understand their struggles. This practice helps you see beyond their actions and recognize their inner worth.

Cultivate Forgiveness:

Holding grudges burdens the soul, while forgiveness liberates it.

Acts of Service:

Serving others brings you closer to the divinity within and around you. Whether it’s helping at a shelter, supporting a friend or listening to someone going through a tough time, acts of service honour the sanctity within others.

Gratitude for whatever life offers and cultivating acceptance connects you to a spiritual life. Expressing gratitude for life is evidence of the divinity within you. When you see divinity in others, your relationships are filled with love and respect. This perspective dissolves barriers, unites hearts and fosters universal brotherhood.

When we see divinity in our peers, friends and family, we act with empathy rather than ego. Instead of focusing on flaws, we concentrate on shared values and love, strengthening our relationships.

Strong relationships lay the foundation for a resilient community that thrives on cooperation and mutual respect. Spirituality fosters equality and encourages inclusivity.

Recognizing divinity in all beings dispels anger, jealousy and negative emotions. Inner peace emerges as the soul aligns with its natural state of harmony and compassion.

Dear Blissful Soul,

You have the potential to be ‘spiritual.’ Spirituality is not reserved for saints or ascetics; it is a possibility inherent within you. Being spiritual is awakening the divine essence within yourself and others. By recognizing this truth, even ordinary interactions can become sacred experiences.

By acknowledging yourself as a fragment of the divine and walking the spiritual path, the divinity within you connects with the universe.

By seeing divinity in all, you honour relationships, enrich your life and spread light everywhere. You have the possibility to be spiritual and through this truth, you contribute to a more harmonious and compassionate world.


Thank you.


Dear Blissful Soul, 

Humility dissolves the ego of the soul, allowing divinity to shine through”

                     You have the possibility to be ‘Divine’

Humility is a virtue that liberates the soul from the shackles of ego and connects it to its true divine essence.

When an individual embraces humility, they not only foster better relationships with others but also experience profound inner peace and joy. Humility serves as a fundamental foundation on the path to divinity, freeing individuals from the burdens of ego and infusing life with depth and purpose.

The Interrelation of Humility and Ego

Ego acts as a veil that prevents the soul from recognizing its true nature. It drives the desire to appear superior or separate from others. In contrast, humility is the remedy to ego. It helps individuals understand that all are fragments of the same universal energy.

For example, consider a humble farmer who, instead of taking credit for his hard work and harvest, expresses gratitude to God, nature and the seasons. Such a person exemplifies humility, showing that it protects against pride and fosters genuine gratitude.

The Light of Divinity Through Humility

When a person practices humility, their personality becomes naturally attractive to others. Their presence brings comfort and invokes an experience of divinity.

For instance, take the life of Saint Mother Teresa. She possessed immense compassion and a deep commitment to serving others, but her greatest quality was her humility. Despite global recognition, she never claimed credit for her work. Instead, she considered herself a mere instrument of God.

Mother Teresa dedicated her life to serving the poor, sick and orphaned. When asked how she managed to work under such difficult conditions, she humbly replied, “I do it not for myself, but for God.” Her humility and dedication earned her worldwide respect.

Her humility revealed her divinity. Her actions were not driven merely by duty or compassion but by a divine energy. She demonstrated that work performed with genuine humility fills others’ lives with love and light. Her life proved that humility and service are paths to divinity.

Benefits of Humility in Life

Humility not only nourishes the soul but also strengthens relationships.

  1. Harmony in the Family: A humble person treats all family members—young and old—with equal respect, creating a joyful and harmonious environment.
  2. Respect in the Workplace: A humble employee or leader respects others’ opinions and becomes a source of inspiration for the team.
  3. Inspiration in Society: Humility promotes love, compassion, and collective progress in society.

A Story of Humility

In a village, there lived a young man named Arun. He took great pride in his wealthy family’s assets and often looked down on others. One year, the village experienced a severe drought, and Arun’s family lost their crops. Seeking help, Arun approached an elderly farmer, Devkishan, who generously offered assistance without harbouring any resentment.

Witnessing the farmer’s humility and kindness, Arun realized that true wealth lies in humility and service. After that incident, Arun adopted humility and dedicated his life to serving others. His humility and selfless service transformed him into an ideal figure in the village, radiating the light of divinity that not only changed him but also the entire community.

Humility: The Key to Divinity

Dear Blissful Soul, when you embrace humility, you free yourself from the chains of ego. This humility unveils your inner divinity. It elevates you spiritually and becomes a source of harmony and peace in society and the world.

You have the possibility to be ‘Divine.’; Embrace humility and let your inner light shine brightly.



Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Patience is not only a test of the soul but also a virtue of a true spiritual seeker”

                 You have the possibility to be a ‘True Seeker’

Patience is an extremely important quality that every seeker walking on the spiritual path develops in their life. It is not only a test of the soul, but also an inherent quality of a true spiritual seeker. Patience holds a special place in the life of a true seeker, as spiritual progress is not possible without it.

Patience does not merely mean waiting with time, but it is a mental state in which an individual maintains peace and balance despite inner struggles, external circumstances and internal unrest. By practicing patience, you control your senses, keep your mind calm and remain steady in any situation or challenge. This quality gives you the opportunity to reach the depths of your soul and move toward the true meaning of life.

The Need for Patience

There are countless moments in life when you face physical, mental or emotional pain. During these difficult times, patience is most required. It not only helps you maintain peace but also teaches you that every situation is temporary and ultimately, you can overcome it with your inner strength and patience.

A true seeker is one who continue their path despite difficulties, not someone who retreats at the first challenge. In this context, the teachings of Lord Krishna come to mind, when He said to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita, “For you, there is no weapon greater than patience.” That is, patience plays a paramount role in achieving success on the spiritual path.

The Practice and Example of Patience

The greatest example of patience is Lord Mahavir. During His penance, Lord Mahavir endured tremendous hardships, but He never thought of abandoning His spiritual practices. He was never disturbed, whether He faced physical pain or mental stress, for He had extraordinary patience.

Patience and the Test of the Soul

Patience is not just about remaining steady in external circumstances; it is also a tool for recognizing your inner strength. It is a test of the soul because it examines your reactions, thoughts and emotions. When you face pain, your patience reveals your spiritual power.

This is why patience is of utmost importance on the spiritual path. To delve deeper into the soul, you must calm your inner fears, anger, ego and other negative emotions. This is an ongoing process that requires patience because sometimes the results do not come immediately.

You Have the Possibility to Be a ‘True Seeker’

You also have the potential to become a true seeker. Every individual has the capacity for spiritual knowledge and balance. To attain this, all you need is to recognize your inner strength. If you practice patience, you will not only achieve inner peace but will also be able to make decisions in every aspect of life with balance and wisdom.


To become a true seeker, you need to establish a deep understanding and peace within your soul. Instead of being afraid of life’s challenges, pains and difficulties, you should face them with peace and patience. This is the quality of a true seeker, and when you adopt this quality, you will find a new perspective and inner balance in your life.

“Patience is not only a test of the soul but also a quality of a true spiritual seeker”—this statement teaches that while facing life’s difficulties, patience guides you toward peace and success. The life of a true seeker is not just about enduring external struggles; it is a path to inner peace, balance, and self-knowledge.

You have the potential to be a “true seeker,” and all that is required is patience. With every challenge, every difficulty, you will have the opportunity to recognize the qualities and abilities within you. Therefore, move forward on your path of spiritual practice with patience, as it will lead you to true spiritual knowledge and peace. 


Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Make decisions with discernment, reflecting the wisdom of the soul”

                   You have the possibility to be ‘Wise’

Dear Blissful Soul,

“Make decisions with discernment, reflecting the wisdom of the soul.” This simple yet profound guidance captures the essence of a wise and purposeful life. In the hustle and bustle of daily existence, discernment—the ability to judge well—acts as a compass, steering us toward meaningful choices aligned with our deeper values and the wisdom of the soul.

Discernment is more than mere intelligence or logical reasoning. It is a harmonious blend of intuition, experience, moral clarity, and a deep connection with the self. It enables us to distinguish between what merely seems right and what truly aligns with our higher purpose. To be wise is to embody this discernment in every decision, reflecting the soul’s inherent wisdom. Let us explore how this can manifest in life with practical examples.

  1. Discernment in Personal Relationships

Relationships are a cornerstone of human experience, often filled with joy and challenges. Wise decisions in relationships require discernment to understand when to nurture, when to let go, and how to set boundaries that honor both parties’ well-being.

For example, consider a situation where a close friend repeatedly disrespects your values. While loyalty and emotional attachment may urge you to overlook the behavior, discernment helps you recognize whether continuing the relationship is uplifting or draining. By reflecting on the soul’s wisdom, you might choose to communicate your feelings clearly and, if necessary, distance yourself, prioritizing your emotional health and personal growth.

  1. Career Choices: Balancing Ambition with Purpose

Career decisions often test our ability to discern between short-term gains and long-term fulfillment. Wisdom here involves aligning choices with your values, passions, and life’s higher purpose.

Imagine someone offered a high-paying job that conflicts with their moral compass. The decision might seem straightforward from a financial perspective, but discernment asks deeper questions: Will this job bring genuine satisfaction? Does it align with my ethical beliefs? Will it serve my soul’s purpose? By making decisions with discernment, the individual may choose a path that offers less immediate reward but aligns with their deeper sense of integrity and fulfillment.

  1. Navigating Ethical Dilemmas

Life frequently presents situations where the right path is not immediately clear, and wisdom is required to discern the best course of action.

For instance, consider a business leader faced with the option to cut costs by compromising product quality. While this may seem beneficial for profitability, discernment calls for considering the broader consequences—loss of trust, potential harm to customers, and the moral implications. Acting wisely might involve finding an alternative solution that upholds quality, ensuring both ethical integrity and long-term success.

  1. Decision-Making in Adversity

Discernment becomes particularly vital during challenging times, when emotions often cloud judgment. Reflecting on the wisdom of the soul can guide us through adversity with clarity and grace.

For example, a person facing the loss of a loved one might struggle to balance grief with their responsibilities. Discernment helps them recognize the importance of self-care, emotional healing, and seeking support. By making thoughtful decisions—taking time off work, meditating, or joining a support group—they honor their healing journey while maintaining balance in other aspects of life.

  1. Embracing Intuition and Spiritual Wisdom

True discernment often involves tuning into intuition, the quiet voice of the soul that offers guidance beyond logic. This requires mindfulness, self-reflection, and trust in the inner wisdom that emerges from a deep connection with oneself.

For example, someone might feel inexplicably drawn to a specific opportunity or individual despite logical doubts. By pausing and reflecting through meditation or journaling, they might uncover why this path resonates with their soul’s purpose. Such discernment leads to decisions that are not only rational but also spiritually aligned.

Practical Steps to Cultivate Discernment

  1. Pause and Reflect: Before making significant decisions, take a moment to reflect. Ask yourself: Does this choice align with my values and long-term goals?
  2. Seek Inner Silence: Engage in practices like meditation or mindfulness to quiet the mind and connect with the soul’s wisdom.
  3. Consult Trusted Mentors: Sometimes, external perspectives can shed light on aspects you might overlook.
  4. Weigh Consequences: Consider not just immediate outcomes but also the long-term effects of your decisions.
  5. Trust Your Intuition: Learn to listen to your gut feelings, which often reflect deeper, unconscious wisdom.

The Possibility to Be Wise

Discernment is a skill that grows with practice. By consciously making decisions that reflect the wisdom of the soul, you cultivate a life of authenticity, purpose, and harmony. You, dear soul, have the possibility to be wise—to live a life that mirrors the depth of your inner being and inspires others to do the same.

Let wisdom guide your path, and you will find yourself navigating even the most complex situations with clarity, confidence, and grace. Remember, discernment is not just a skill but a reflection of your connection to the divine wisdom within.  


Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Forgiveness lightens the burden of the heart and brings peace to the soul”

                     You have the possibility of ‘Peace of Soul’

Dear Blissful Soul, Forgiveness is not merely an act; it is a profound process that transcends the barriers of ego and pain. It is a gentle release that unshackles your heart from the weight of resentment, paving the way to peace and harmony. When you forgive, you are not condoning the harm done to you but rather choosing to free yourself from the toxic grip of anger and bitterness. Let us embark on a reflective journey to explore how forgiveness lightens the burden of the heart and brings peace to the soul, empowering you with the possibility of experiencing the blissful state of a peaceful soul. Imagine carrying a heavy bag filled with stones. Each stone represents an unresolved grievance, a hurtful word, or a betrayal. The longer you carry this burden, the more it drains your energy, clouds your mind, and affects your well-being. Forgiveness is akin to putting down this heavy bag. It is a conscious decision to liberate yourself from the emotional weight that hinders your spiritual growth and prevents you from embracing life fully. Take, for instance, the story of Meera, a woman whose heart was once a battlefield of pain. She had been deeply hurt by a close friend who betrayed her trust. For years, Meera carried the anger and bitterness within her. It not only strained her other relationships but also affected her health and happiness. One day, during a meditation retreat, she was guided to confront her feelings and explore the path of forgiveness. Initially, it felt impossible. How could she let go of the pain caused by someone she trusted? But as she delved deeper into her heart, she realized that holding on to anger was like drinking poison and expecting the other person to suffer. By forgiving her friend, she found freedom. The peace that followed was transformative, allowing her to heal and reconnect with the joy of living. Forgiveness, dear soul, is a gift you give yourself. It is an act of compassion towards your own heart. When you forgive, you do not erase the memory of what happened, but you change your relationship with it. You acknowledge the hurt, learn from it, and choose to move forward without the chains of negativity. This process brings an unparalleled lightness to the heart. It is like opening the windows of a dark room, allowing sunlight to pour in and illuminate every corner. The peace that forgiveness brings is not superficial; it is profound and enduring. When you forgive, you align yourself with the higher vibrations of love and compassion. This alignment nourishes your soul and fosters a deeper connection with the divine essence within you. In forgiving others, you also learn to forgive yourself, releasing any guilt or shame that may have lingered in your heart. This self-forgiveness is crucial, for how can you find peace if you are at war with yourself? Consider the story of Mahatma Gandhi, who forgave even those who caused him immense suffering. His ability to forgive stemmed from his deep spiritual understanding and unwavering commitment to nonviolence. Gandhi once said, “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” This strength does not come from physical power but from an inner reservoir of courage and love. When Gandhi forgave, he inspired millions to embrace forgiveness as a pathway to peace. In your own life, forgiveness may begin with small steps. It might be forgiving a colleague for a rude comment or letting go of a grudge against a family member. Each act of forgiveness is a step closer to peace. Reflect on the times you have been forgiven. Remember the relief and gratitude you felt when someone extended grace to you. This memory can be a powerful motivator to offer the same grace to others. To practice forgiveness, start by turning inward. In moments of stillness, meditate on the feelings of anger or hurt that weigh you down. Acknowledge them without judgment, and then imagine releasing them like a balloon into the sky. Visualize the person who wronged you and silently say, “I forgive you, and I set us both free.” This practice may not erase the pain instantly, but it will begin the process of healing. Dear soul, you have the possibility of experiencing a profound peace that arises when your heart is unburdened. Forgiveness is not always easy, but it is always worth it. It is a journey towards freedom, love, and ultimate serenity. Embrace forgiveness, and you will find that the peace of your soul is not a distant dream but a beautiful reality within your reach.


Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Be kind to all living beings; it brings joy to the soul”

                       You have the possibility to be ‘Kind’

“Be kind to all living beings; it brings joy to the soul.” This statement highlights an essential aspect of a spiritual life where compassion is not just a virtue but also a source of profound joy for the soul. The Importance of Compassion Compassion means harboring feelings of empathy, kindness, and goodwill toward all beings. This humane quality not only connects us with others but also reveals the divine joy hidden within us. When we empathize with the suffering of a living being and make efforts to alleviate it, the act provides us with inner satisfaction and peace. Examples Gautama Buddha and Angulimala Gautama Buddha transformed the violent bandit Angulimala solely through his compassion and kindness. He resorted neither to violence nor anger. Buddha’s compassion and love guided Angulimala onto the path of non-violence. This incident teaches us that the power of compassion brings profound joy to the soul and can transform lives. Compassion Toward Animals When someone tends to an injured bird or feeds a hungry animal, they experience an indescribable joy. This joy is not derived from external factors but emerges from within. It signifies that compassion brings happiness and peace not only to the giver but also to the receiver. The Example of Saint Mother Teresa Saint Mother Teresa was a living embodiment of compassion and kindness. She dedicated her entire life to serving the poor, the sick, and the destitute. On the streets of Kolkata, she gave new life to those helpless and breathing their last, through her love and care. In one instance, when a critically ill person was lying by the roadside and people were avoiding him, Mother Teresa lifted him, brought him to her shelter, and cared for him. This act shows that her compassion wasn’t limited to words; she lived it through her actions. Her service not only provided physical relief to that individual but also made him feel that compassion and love still existed in the world. Mother Teresa’s life teaches us that the greatest form of compassion is selfless service, which brings immense joy and supreme peace to the soul. Her example inspires us to reveal the compassion hidden within us by helping those in need around us. The Connection Between the Soul and Joy When we show compassion toward others, we manifest the positive energy within us. This energy is the joy of the soul. Compassion eliminates our ego and makes us more sensitive and aware. You Have the Potential to Be Compassionate Compassion is not an external attribute; it is a quality inherent in every soul. To awaken it, we simply need to broaden our perspective and make our actions more sensitive. • When you help someone, you experience a divine energy within. • When you ease someone’s suffering, your heart expands. • When you forgive someone’s mistake, you find peace within. Conclusion Dear Blissful Soul, showing compassion is not just a duty but also a means to delight the soul. This compassion should not be confined to humans alone but extended to all living beings, nature, and oneself. “You have the potential to be compassionate,” for compassion is an innate quality of your soul. Embrace it and experience the ultimate joy of the soul.


Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Through actions performed with surrender and selflessness, the soul attains its true nature and unites with the Divine”

                          You have the possibility to ‘Unite with Divine’


Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Love selflessly; This is the true meaning of life and the fundamental essence of the universe”

                            You have the possibility to ‘Love’


Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Follow the path of truth, as it purifies the soul and connects with the Divine”

         You have the possibility to ‘Connect with the Divine’


Dear Blissful Soul, 

“A spiritual lifestyle involves exploring and understanding the depth of the soul, which enhances the quality of life”

           You have the possibility to have “Spiritual Lifestyle”


Dear Blissful Soul, 

“A spiritual lifestyle is essential for gaining greater clarity in understanding the purpose and meaning of life”

              You have the possibility to understand “Life” 


Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Connection with nature and simplicity are important elements of a spiritual lifestyle”

             You have the possibility to be “Simple”


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“A spiritual lifestyle provides a strong foundation for realizing dreams and ambitions”

                You have the possibility to “Realize Dreams”


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“In a spiritual lifestyle, the sense of compassion and empathy towards others is crucial”

      You have the possibility to be “Compassionate”


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Adopting a spiritual lifestyle is beneficial for health, mental peace and spiritual growth”

         You have the possibility to have “Peace and Benefits”


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Through a spiritual lifestyle, we can manifest our inner positivity and energy”

             You have the possibility to manifest ‘Energy’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Incorporating meditation and prayer into your daily routine is an integral part of a spiritual lifestyle”

               You have the possibility to ‘Meditate and Pray’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“A spiritual lifestyle is deeply connected with the mind and soul, providing a new perspective on life”

                 You have the possibility to have a ‘New Perspective’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“A spiritual lifestyle is characterized by simplicity and balance, which lead to inner peace”

                     You have the possibility to be ‘Simple and Balanced’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Practice gratitude for the blessings in your life, for it is the gateway to abundance and joy”

                       You have the possibility of ‘Abundance’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“As you cultivate inner peace amidst the unrest of the world, you will become a beacon of light for others”

                          You have the possibility gain ‘Inner Peace’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Embrace uncertainty as an opportunity for growth and achievement, and trust in the unfolding of life’s mysteries”

                  You have the possibility of ‘Trusting Life’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Maintaining equal feelings towards oneself and others is peace itself”

                    You have the possibility to have ‘Peace’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Find joy in the journey of soul, for it is not the destination alone but also the path itself that holds true meaning”

             You have the possibility of a ‘Blissful Journey’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Live with determination and purpose, and let your actions be a reflection of your deepest values”

               You have the possibility to do ‘Valuable’ work


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Paying attention to the rhythm generates vibrations in the body and Meditating on rhythm makes the soul Blissful”

                   You have the possibility to make the ‘Soul Blissful’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Understand the signals of your soul, for they contain the wisdom of the universe”

                       You have the possibility to gain ‘Wisdom’



Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Cultivate your mind, intellect and body with love and trust; they are the carriers of your soul”

                You have the possibility for ‘Love and Trust’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Seek simplicity in complex world, for it is in simplicity that true beauty and wisdom reside”

           You have the possibility to be ‘Simple’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Have faith in the divine timing of the universe and surrender to the flow of life”

            You have the possibility to ‘Surrender’       


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Accept change, it is the evolution and entry door to new beginning”

             You have the possibility of ’New Beginning’        


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“One who finds peace within spreads it outside also”

               You have the possibility to spread ‘Peace’    


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Spirituality is breaking self-imposed barriers to fly high”

                  You have the possibility to be ‘Spiritual’    


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Perceive failure as a learning and accept it for greater knowledge and understanding for self”

              You have the possibility to ‘Accept Failure’    


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Actions shape a person’s reality; they should be chosen carefully and wisely”

                 You have the possibility to choose ’Right Actions’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Religion is a gift of birth; politics complicate life; but friends’ complete life”

           You have the possibility to “Live Life in Full’

05 -05-2024

Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Let go of external prejudices and seek eternal perfection within yourself”

               You have the possibility to have ‘Perfection’

28 -04-2024

Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“The true strength of a person lies not in the absence of challenges, but in the courage to face them with grace”

                 You have the possibility to have ‘Courage’

21 -04-2024

Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Live the present moment with full awareness; this is the key to endless achievements of the future”

                    You have the possibility to ‘Achieve’ 

14 -04-2024

Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Upon attaining Moksha, the river of the soul’s existence merges into the eternal ocean of bliss”

       You have the possibility to meet ‘Ocean of Bliss’ 


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Spiritualism is the juncture where self-exploration meets the mysteries of the universe”

           You have the possibility to know the ‘Universe’ 


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Meditation is to embrace the full spectrum of human experience with unconditional acceptance”

              You have the possibility to ‘Meditate’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Spirituality provides self-awareness and peace, which bring balance and happiness in life”

              You have the possibility to live ‘Balanced Life’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Expansion of knowledge can lead to self enhancement”

                You have the possibility of ‘ Self enhancement’ 


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“One who maintains restraint in every situation has a peaceful mind”

                  You have the possibility to be at ‘Peace’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Distorted thoughts have a negative impact on life and cause a person to lose their self-respect.”

                   You have the possibility to gain ‘Respect’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Uncontrolled expansion of desires frustrates the intellect and blocks the path to consciousness.”

                     You have the possibility to intensify ‘consciousness’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Steady body, calm mind, innocent intellect, awakened consciousness and clear soul are the qualities of meditation.”

                     You have the possibility to ‘Meditate With Qualities’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Conclusion about oneself is the excellence of a person.”

             You have the possibility to be ‘Excellent’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“One who knows the secret of birth understands life and behaves in Best Manner.”

        You have the possibility to behave in ‘Best Manner’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Man’s progress and his mental attitude are directly related and his attitude also makes him spiritual”

         You have the possibility to be “Spiritual”


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Refinement keeps away from disorders and gives shape to life”

           You have the possibility to avoid “Disorders”


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Acquisition of knowledge is a great wealth”

              You have the possibility to attain “Knowledge”


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“That which is always there, is eternal and the search for it is spiritual quest”

               You have the possibility to know the “Eternal”



Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“When both happiness and sorrow seem meaningless, the feeling of Bliss starts emerging”

                  You have the possibility to experience ‘Bliss’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“The real search for salvation is the discovery of the unchangeable truth which is eternal and will remain forever”

                You have the possibility to discover ‘Truth’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Seekers keep a check on mind to create harmony between desires and intellect and pave the way for consciousness”

                 You have the possibility to pave the way for ‘consciousness’



Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Engaging self in good deeds is the core of spiritual lifestyle”


      You have the possibility to lead “Spiritual Life”


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“A satisfied person is detached from the world and attached to Self”

                 You have the possibility to be ‘Satisfied’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Prudent conduct is to know anything, person or situation without prejudice”

                    You have the possibility to be ‘non-prejudiced’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Pure state of conscience can be achieved by turning away from Sensual Pleasures”

         You have the possibility for ‘Purification of Conscience’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Absolute knowledge is revealed in deep meditation”

           You have the possibility to gain ‘Absolute Knowledge’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Effortlessness is first step towards easy Meditation”

             You have the possibility to ‘Meditate Easily’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“One who acts contrary to nature creates obstacles in the path of the soul”

                 You have the possibility to follow ‘Path of the Soul’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Soul is eternal, definite and completely conscious which can be known by living within oneself”

                        You have the possibility to ‘Know The Soul’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“An enlightened person experiences the soul within and unites with the Supreme Soul”

             You have the possibility to unite with ‘Supreme Soul’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“One who is indulged in attachment wastes his life in possessing unnecessary thing”

             You have the possibility to give up ‘Attachment’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“A patient seeker can attain Samadhi in meditation”

               You have the possibility to keep ‘Patience’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“The one who behaves wisely, takes the path of truth and attains Bliss”

                 You have the possibility to attain “Bliss” 


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“One who Stays away from illusion and follows the truth, can attain ultimate knowledge”

                   You have the possibility to stay away from “Illusion” 


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Darkness is lack of light and ineptness is lack of wisdom”

                 You have the possibility to gain ‘Wisdom’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“One who understands the importance of present enjoys happiness in the future”

                       You have the possibility to enjoy ‘Happiness’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“One who practices truth, experiences the feeling of bliss.”

          You have the possibility to ‘Experience Bliss’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“A spiritual person knows the ultimate by studying himself.”

       You have the possibility to know the ‘Ultimate’ 

Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“One who understands the meaning of waste makes his life meaningful.”

             You have the possibility to know the ‘Futile’



Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“The seeker remains alert to the inner silence even in the noise outside.”

                    You have the possibility to be ‘Alert’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Even the knowledge of the whole world cannot give perfection to one who does not know himself.”

       You have the possibility to achieve ‘Perfection’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“The variance of thoughts affects the stability of behavior”

           You have the possibility to ‘Behave Stably’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“The seeker of salvation is free from all other desires”         

         You have the possibility to attain ‘Moksha’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“One who considers experience as achievement misses the goal”             

             You have the possibility to achieve ‘Goal’

25 -06-2023

Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“The one who minimizes thoughts, understands the essence of spirituality”           

               You have the possibility to understand ‘Spiriruality’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Forgetting self-righteousness opens the way to sufferings and renunciation of self-righteousness leads to degradation”           

                You have the possibility to follow ‘Self- righteousness’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“After understanding fickle mind, the one who does proper conduct has the wisdom of firm consciousness”           

                         You have the possibility to do ‘Proper Conduct’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“One who is aware of place, time, cause and effect is the knower of nature”

              You have the possibility to know ‘The Nature’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Speaking Truth purifies speech and paves the way to Bliss”

               You have the potential to enjoy ‘Bliss’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“To perceive temporary as eternal is Ignorance and knowledge of both falsehood and truth is True Learning.”


You have the possibility to ‘Learn’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Quality of the soul is to think about attaining salvation while being free from worries.”

                            You have the possibility to ‘Attain Salvation’



Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“The one who manifests himself as he is from within is on the path of truth.”

                You have the possibility to take the path of ‘Truth’  


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“A person devoted to his Resolution attains perfection in his journey.”

                         You have the possibility to take ‘Resolution’



Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“The knowledge that is spoken by words is self-pleasuring, world-friendly knowledge is manifested in conduct.”

                      You have the possibility to do ‘Good Conduct’



Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“The one who relinquishes attachment and remains in own nature is a seeker of the ultimate”.

                        You have the possibility to ‘Remain in Self’  


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul,                                                                                             

“Actions cannot be avoided, but wrong deeds can be checked by controlling the senses”.

You have the possibility to ‘Control The Senses’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“One who is not aware of soul, leads life like an unconscious person”

                     You have the possibility to know the “Soul”.


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Great success comes with self confidence”.

                    You have the possibility to achieve “Success”.


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“One, whose body is not used to comforts and does not get disturbed even in pain, such a seeker attains Concentration very quickly”.

                 You have the possibility to attain “Concentration”.


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“The bliss manifested by adoration and prayers needs no proof”

                       You have the possibility to enjoy ‘Bliss’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“One who knows the mind is endowed with wisdom and attains the Supreme by moving on the path of consciousness”

                You have the possibility to know the “Path Of Consciousness”


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“He, who rises above attachment to worldly pleasures and knows himself, becomes entitled to the bliss of the soul.”

                       You have the possibility to know “Yourself”


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“A confused person does not attain stability and gets attracted to undesired and deviates from his path”.

                       You have the possibility to be “Free Of Confusion”.


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“A person without desires remains free of expectations and frees himself from bondage and does self-welfare.”

                   You have the possibility to be “Free Of Expectations”.


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Just as makeup of the reflection seen in the mirror does not beautify the body; same way, decorating the body cannot enhance purity of the soul.”

                    You have the possibility to “Purify The Soul”


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Just as a corrupt servant brings disrepute to his master, same way the lord of disobedient senses is deprived of consciousness.”

                        You have the possibility to “Master the Senses”


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“The knower of the Self, being stable in nature, does good deeds and attains the supreme position.”

                            You have the possibility to do “Good Deeds”


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul,                                                                                                                                                     

“One who understands that neither soul enjoys anything nor anyone can enjoy the soul, such a self-aware person is called a self-realized person”.

                                          You have the possibility of “Self-Realization”


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Loss of dear and necessary material does not imply that the person is finished same way, the one, who is aware that death of body is not the end of soul, is never afraid of death”.

                     You have the possibility to “Understand The Soul”


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul,

“Just as the old disappears into the past when the new year arrives, similarly ignorance ends with the advent of self-realization and the path to knowledge ispaved.”

              “You have the possibility to move from Ignorance to Knowledge”