Tarot – A Divine Guide
We are blessed to be born as humans. We can use our intellect to improve our condition. But we are always surrounded by problems and hurdles that seem to be beyond control. Tarot is a Divine Gift to mankind that helps and guides to fight and overcome all problems. Tarot cards were first found in Italy and quickly became very popular. Tarot Cards have had seen many changes in their form and material.
Many civilizations claim to have used some kind of cards to seek guidance in tough times. Tarot can be used to seek help and guidance for physical illness, mental blockages and spiritual enhancement as well. Tarot can be used as a Mentor, Guide and a God Father that suggests you right solution for all type of problems. One can depend upon the advice of the cards. Faith is the key to have positive results. If one has faith in cards and respect for cards then cards can do wonders for him. One should be honest with the cards as one asks for guidance.
Tarot should not be used to predict future. It is guide that can help one in building future. One can ask Tarot for guidance through different types of spreads. Interesting point about Tarot Cards is that you can build a relation with cards and you can actually feel the vibrations and energy oozing out of cards. Tarot can prove to be the best friend, philosopher and guide in the times of distress and confusion. In his long association with Tarot Cards, Dhyanacharya Dr. Ajay Jain has helped many solving their issues through Cards. He is a Tarot Master who has helped seekers all over world and has many students all over world who are using Tarot as a tool to help others.
“Tarot Treasure”
a hand book on Tarot Cards
written by Dr. Ajay Jain is a widely read book